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Hair Transplant

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What is FUE hair transplant surgery?

'FUE' stands for Follicular Unit Extraction.

This procedure involves removing each hair follicle, one at a time from the back of the head so it can be transplanted (moved) to an area of the head that has little or no hair.

Each follicular unit that is removed usually contains 1 to 3 hairs.
Sometimes 4 and 5 haired grafts are obtained.

Removing hairs in their natural 'units', enables a much more natural look to be achieved.

In the UK, hair transplants MUST be performed by a GMC registered Doctor in a CQC registered premises. This ensures you receive a high standard of care, ethics and skill.

This is not the same in other countries, where hair transplants are performed by non-medically trained individuals in rooms that can sometimes have several hair transplants happening all at once.

All of our patients will have their consultation and treatment carried out by
Dr Jamie. Following your surgery you will have a review at 3, 6 and 12 months.

Going abroad often means you don't meet the doctor performing your hair transplant before the day, and makes follow ups and reviews difficult.

Why have a hair transplant in the UK?

I had been so self conscious about my hairline and always had to style my hair a certain way to hide it. I hated swimming or going out in the wind as it would reveal my reseeding temples. 

It's now 12 months after my hair transplant and all I can say is... It's definitely worth it!!


FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)
Takes longer to perform as each hair follicle is removed one by one.
Donor area heals quicker.
No linear scar on the back of your head.

FUT (Strip Surgery)
A strip is removed from the back of your head and each graft is cut up individually.
Can leave an unsightly scar on the back your head.
Is useful for people needing a large number of grafts.

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How long does an FUE hair transplant take to carry out?
Most FUE hair transplants take 6-8 hours to perform. Larger cases may take a longer. 
It is important to note that after 8 hours, the survival of grafts is negatively impacted. So those wanting to cover a large area (such as temples and crown) maybe advised to have 2 separate procedures, or have FUT surgery instead.

Who can perform hair transplants?
In the UK, hair transplants MUST ONLY be performed by a Doctor.
Hair transplants require surgical assistants, who will usually need to assist the Doctor throughout the day extracting, counting and also implanting the grafts.

How long will a hair transplant last?
The results from your hair transplant are permanent.
This is because grafts are taken from the 'safe donor' area on the back of the head. These hairs are not sensitive to to DHT (a potent form of testosterone) and therefore, are not prone to falling out like the hairs on top of your head. If you picture any balding person - you will notice they always keep the hair on the back and sides of their head.

Does an FUE hair transplant hurt?
The only part of the day that might feel uncomfortable is the local anaesthetic (numbing injections).
We use one of the thinnest needles available (TSK - Invisible Needle) to make them as comfortable as possible.
We only begin removing grafts once your scalp is completely numb and therefore 100% pain free.
Being lay down in one position for a long time, can sometimes make it uncomfortable for your neck and back, so we advise Paracetamol if you suffer from neck or back pain.
Regular breaks are taken for this reason.

Do FUE hair transplants leave scarring?
Any surgical procedure can result in scarring. However, the FUE punch used ranges from 0.6 to 1.0mm. Therefore the back of your head heals relatively fast (usually 5-7 days) and does't usually result in scarring.
We normally advise all patients that if you have a skin fade or shave your hair shorter than a grad 1, you my be able to notice some small white dots on the back of your head. Most patients prefer this over the linear scar often caused by FUT surgery.

How long does it take to see results from FUE surgery?
After your hair transplant, most of the transplanted hair will fall out. You will then begin to notice hair growth around month 3.
Most hair will grow through between month 5 and 8.
We expect your final result to have fully grown through by 12 months.

How long should I rest after FUE hair transplant?
We recommend you take 7 days off work after your surgery. This is to allow time for you to heal and for any swelling to have settled. During the first 7 days, the grafts are very delicate and care must be taken to look after and protect the grafts.

Can women have an FUE hair transplant?
It is usually recommended that women have FUT surgery. This is because the back of the head need to be shaved to a zero for FUE (which is not necessary for FUT surgery).
Most women also have long hair, meaning they can easily conceal the donor area and any potential scar.


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