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What are

anti-wrinkle treatments?

Many people have heard of Botox®, however Botox® is specific brand of botulinum toxin and there are several different brands of botulinum toxin on the market.


Botulinum toxin is a purified protein and when injected into specific muscles it works by blocking the signals from the nerve to those muscles, causing them to temporarily relax. 


At The Rejuvenation Doctors, we carry out all our anti-wrinkle treatments using Botox® which is produced by the pharmaceutical company Allergan. This is because in our experience, Botox® delivers consistent results that tend to last longer than other brands.

There are no hard and fast rules on when someone should start having anti-wrinkle treatments, and the best way to find out if you're a suitable candidate is to have a thorough consultation with one of our Doctors. 


Some people start anti-wrinkle treatments in their 20's and 30's

to prevent fine lines and wrinkles or to look 'fresher' and 'less tired'.


While others utilise anti-wrinkle treatments to soften their lines and wrinkles already visible, often in combination with other treatments, to help achieve an overall more rejuvenated look. 

Who are anti-winkle treatments for?

Just wanted to say a huge thanks to Dr Jamie for making me feel so comfortable

with my first anti-wrinkle treatment.


The whole process was pain free and the results are incredible.

I love how natural the results are, and no longer look tired all the time.


Thank you so much.

Where can 


treatments be used?

  • Forehead lines

  • Frown lines

  • Crows feet (laughter lines around the eyes)

  • Bunny lines (at the sides of the nose)

  • Gummy smile (when the upper lip excessively rises during smiling)

  • Chin dimpling

  • Excessive movement in the tip of the nose (when talking)

  • Large masseter muscles (to help teeth grinding and slim the lower face)

  • Platysmal bands (neck bands)

  • Hyperhidrosis (to help reduce excessive sweating)


How long does Botox take to carry out?

The procedure itself takes less than 10 minutes, but this is after a thorough consultation, consent and photographs.


Who does the Botox procedure?

Botox® is a prescription only medication, it should only be prescribed and administered by a registered medical professional


How long does Botox last?

3-4 months with Allergan branded Botox ®, we found the affects of other brands wear off quicker.


Do Botox injections hurt?

We don't think so, and we do everything to make them as painless as possible. 

We use one of the thinnest needles available (TSK - Invisible Needle) for your comfort.


Does Botox make you look 'frozen' or expressionless?

No, not if it's done correctly. We specialise in natural results to give you a fresh and rejuvenated look.


Is Botox safe?

Botox has been around for many years and has been shown to be safe when used in high doses to treat a rang of medical conditions. In aesthetics, we use very small doses in comparison to medical treatments.

However, there are some risks with Botox procedures such as, a heavy eyebrow, a heavy eyelid, a dry eye and double vision. These are rare, and only last a few weeks, as the Botox begins to wear off.


Can I have Botox whilst pregnant?

Unfortunately, you can't have Botox whilst pregnant or breast feeding. There aren't any studies showing it's harmful, and it's not something drug companies are interested in testing. So, enjoy your time off with your new family addition and we'll be happy to see you back in clinic later. 


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